Driving innovation that enhances the human experience.
Creating meaningful solutions that take into account larger social, cultural and environmental contexts through principles of behavioral design and systems-thinking.
Envisioning a future with circular aquaculture
Develop a volunteering program for a regenerative aquaculture co-op to address the challenges of today's existing practices, the need for greater biodiversity, and supporting growing demands.
Developing new tools to improve civic engagement
Redesign the existing Hawai’i Housing Lab platform and design new, supportive tools for civic engagement and facilitate interactions between local communities and key decision-makers.
Establishing new behaviors for emerging technology
Understand shopping behavior to implement a new way to ‘try before you buy’ and reducing uncertainty when shopping online through Eclo’s AR scanning and fitting assistant.
Empowering youth soccer teams and their families
Align multiple stakeholder values and use cases to redesign and rebrand Byga’s app ecosystem. Support engagement and communication between players, coaches and their families.